8 Days to go
Whew...8 days before we start traveling. Can't believe it is happening so quickly. Being retired is great, because I have all this time to prepare...NOT!!!!!!! I am so far behind, it is amazing.
Thought we would take Ms. Kitty over to the Vet to get her clearance to travel. $400 later, we find out that her elevated T4, and all liver enzymes are giving the Vet and us, a lot of heart burn. Ms. Kitty is 9 years old and was a stray from Marin County Cat Connection. Really a delight. But, now we find hyperthyroidism is wreaking havoc on her internal organs. At last year's wellness check, this was not found (also a different vet). Now, rapid heartbeat, heart murmer, voracious appetite, and substantial weight loss. She has always been skinny, but last year weight 6.38 pounds and this year just a tad over 4 pounds. She runs and plays and is fun to be with. Does not seem sick, but the weight loss was bothersome to us. Vet suspects liver cancer and a sonogram on Wednesday will help with the diagnosis. She is on meds to slow the thyroid down, and maybe we will better see normality when she is not burning up food as fast as she can eat. She will travel with us, but we will likely return home in mid June for followup. Change in plans, but what the heck...time is on our side, now.
We had a nice Mother's Day at Gordon's brother's house. We picked up his mother around 11AM and arrived for brunch. His sister was there, too and lots of good visiting among us all. We missed the grand and great grandchildren, but they had quite an agenda that day. The little ones received a variety of seeds from the Easter Bunny, so this was the "plant the garden" day. They have a couple ducks too (Hmmm. seems the Easter Bunny might have broought them, too. Couple dogs, a barn full of cats...good thing they live in the country, Huh?
Packing continues. Sorting out what we will take is still an issue. I think that coming home after a month will be a good choice...help us to return an overage, and pick up more necessary items we foolishly left behind. We'll see.
Well, back to the grindstone. Will try to get out one more posting before we head off to Moriarty.
Thought we would take Ms. Kitty over to the Vet to get her clearance to travel. $400 later, we find out that her elevated T4, and all liver enzymes are giving the Vet and us, a lot of heart burn. Ms. Kitty is 9 years old and was a stray from Marin County Cat Connection. Really a delight. But, now we find hyperthyroidism is wreaking havoc on her internal organs. At last year's wellness check, this was not found (also a different vet). Now, rapid heartbeat, heart murmer, voracious appetite, and substantial weight loss. She has always been skinny, but last year weight 6.38 pounds and this year just a tad over 4 pounds. She runs and plays and is fun to be with. Does not seem sick, but the weight loss was bothersome to us. Vet suspects liver cancer and a sonogram on Wednesday will help with the diagnosis. She is on meds to slow the thyroid down, and maybe we will better see normality when she is not burning up food as fast as she can eat. She will travel with us, but we will likely return home in mid June for followup. Change in plans, but what the heck...time is on our side, now.
We had a nice Mother's Day at Gordon's brother's house. We picked up his mother around 11AM and arrived for brunch. His sister was there, too and lots of good visiting among us all. We missed the grand and great grandchildren, but they had quite an agenda that day. The little ones received a variety of seeds from the Easter Bunny, so this was the "plant the garden" day. They have a couple ducks too (Hmmm. seems the Easter Bunny might have broought them, too. Couple dogs, a barn full of cats...good thing they live in the country, Huh?
Packing continues. Sorting out what we will take is still an issue. I think that coming home after a month will be a good choice...help us to return an overage, and pick up more necessary items we foolishly left behind. We'll see.
Well, back to the grindstone. Will try to get out one more posting before we head off to Moriarty.
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